I have a structure!

I think I finally have a reasonable structure for this project! YAY!

Just like sex, I guess, it can be really easy to jump on the goods, rather than take your time and ease into it 😉

I believe I have a good structure for the story and a reasonable way to proceed with stories (and getting “points” towards grades, that sort of thing… final result would give different ending, etc. etc.)

Yeah, all starting to come together. Now to filling out the daily details and most importantly, keeping it interesting! not just a smut fest, but we need to root for the characters, right?! (there will be lots of sexy time though, especially if I keep writing stuff at 3 in the morning 😛 lets just hope it makes sense!)

I have an artist!

I have an artist!

So, I commissioned my first piece of art (scary!). I can’t wait to see how it turns out! Very exciting. I also think I’ve got a good outline for the structure of the game. I’d already put 3 days together in Ren’Py trying things out from a previous idea, but I think I’ve really got a handle on it now. Just thought I’d stop by and update here 🙂

Wish me luck!

Well… I think I’m going to try drawing some stuff…

Well… I think I’m going to try drawing some stuff…

So, as I just need a few characters drawn so I can finish a prototype, I think I’m going to try doing it myself.

I’ve got a pencil and paper and a few tutorials.

Wish me luck! LOL I’ll need it 😀

Also, if it’s truly horrible, I’ll post it here anyways so you can have a laugh and get to hiring someone right away!

Hello Underworld!

This is the start of a new adventure for me. I work full time, but will be devoting as much time as possible to creating a fun, sexy new visual novel that I hope you will all enjoy.

I’m spending my own money getting this started and hopefully will be able to get some art assets soon so I can put out a quick demo of the first day. I have day 1 complete already but with unauthorized art at the moment (just to see how it might look). I won’t release that version as I’d rather pay artists for their work (as we all should! I know I certainly don’t have any talent and I appreciate those who do!)

Thank you all again for coming with me on this journey and if you’d like to contribute to getting things done a bit faster, please go to my Patreon.

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